Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Recreating Cameras and Lights in Maya

For this assignment we were tasked with recreating a lighting scenario in Maya based on a photograph of an object.


Maya copy:

Bonus Points: Lighting a Scene in Maya

In this assignment we had to build a scene in Maya using our initials as the main objects and light them in 1, 2 and 3 pt lighting.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Outline for the Third Term Paper

Intro: Volcanic erruptions - often misrepresented

-Avatar the Last Airbender (the tv show) season 1 episode 14
-The lava that runs down the hillside is very fast moving, like water.
This would not be the case
In addition, volcanoes that have explosive eruptions with huge clouds of smoke do not also have lava flow.  They have debris.
-What could have been done that would be more appropriate to the level of fear the lava causes is make it a lahar- it is more fast moving and dangerous.
The same issue can be seen in Disney's Aladdin, although it can be argued that it is magic lava and doesn't come from a volcano.
-Here is an example of a volcano that has an eruption animated for comedic effect. But they explain it as a fluke, and in no way magical since the two aren't gods, so realistically, this could not happen either.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Stop-Motion Character Animation

I had the idea for this animation while having a conversation with a friend about dreams and nightmares.  They swore that nightmares were caused by being cold and so I thought up a dream-catcher character that physically does things to keep its owner from having nightmares.  The animation is stop-motion. It's very shakey since I didn't have a remote for capturing each shot.  I anticipated this before shooting, though, and decided it was okay since I wanted it to feel like an outsider witnessing the object coming to life.  I made the puppet using some wire, a dream-catcher and some plastecine. The whole process took me about 4-5 hours to shoot and compile the frames in Photoshop's timeline (since for whatever reason the camera I used took photo files not supported by anything else.)  Here's a bit of the prep work and the final cut: